Baoxin News

News of Baoxin | Go with Jingying, build dreams and grow

Release time:2020-08-22

In order to further do a good job in the career experience activities of the Youth Civilization in 2020, the Youth Civilization will bring into play the exemplary and leading role of the Youth Civilization to gather and cultivate talents and help young people grow into talents. On August 21, 2020, our firm responded to the call of the Zhongshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League to actively carry out the "Green Eagle Walk" professional experience activity. The two students who participated in the career experience activity were Lin Jinyong from Guangdong Ocean University and Deng Tianyin from China University of Geosciences.

Wu Yujia, deputy secretary of our party branch and partner lawyer, led the two of them to the Zhongshan First People's Court for an audit. In this way, they can deepen their understanding of the court case trial process and feel the solemn and rigorous atmosphere of the trial.

After the observation, Lawyer Wu Yujia took them to visit the office area of the law firm, and gave them a detailed introduction to the construction of our party branch, the law firm’s organizational structure, professional departments and development.

In order to allow them to understand the daily work of lawyers more intuitively, lawyer Wu Yujia took private loans as an example, and explained the prosecution process in detail from the stage of preparing materials to the conclusion of the case.

This Jingying Peer Experience Activity not only allowed them to learn experience, but also enhanced their understanding of the lawyer industry. In the future, our firm will also continue to follow the youth civilization spirit of "dedication, collaboration, excellence, and dedication", based on its own duties, strive hard, strive to be the pioneer, be a responsible five-good advanced collective, and release itself for the development of Zhongshan City Maximum energy.

Thoughts on participating in this experience activity:

Deng Tianyin:

“Following Lawyer Wu to the Zhongshan First People’s Court, I learned about the trial process and participated in the filing of the case. I learned about the work of lawyers from many aspects and deepened my understanding of this work. one day!"

Lin Jinyong:

"Under the leadership of Lawyer Wu, I participated in the audit of a case, gained a more intuitive understanding of the court, and a certain understanding of the work of the law firm, which was of great help to the following study!"