Party building

The fragrance of books conveys the true feelings, pairs to help poverty alleviation

Release time:2020-05-15

     On the afternoon of May 15, 2020, Li Junwei, the first secretary of the Taidong Village Poverty Alleviation Work Team of the Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan City, visited our firm to carry out a symposium on "Spreading the True Feelings of Books and Pairing to Help Poverty Alleviation". Our party branch secretary Zhao Jiming, deputy party branch secretary Wu Yujia, party branch propaganda committee member Yue Zhanchuan, party members Peng Lei, Liang Zhongwen, and Liu Weizhi participated in this event.

     At the symposium, Secretary Li first expressed his gratitude to the party branch of our institute for their continuous concern and support on behalf of the general party branch, village committee and Taidong Village Primary School of Taidong Village, Zhongzhou Town, Huaiji County. Secretary Li also gave a brief report on the work of "Poverty Alleviation" in Taidong Village.

      Secretary Li said that with the support of the Baoxin Party Branch and many units and enterprises in the Torch Development Zone, Taidong Village has established scholarships and special poverty alleviation funds. In 2019, a total of 14 students were admitted to the university, achieving new breakthroughs.

      During the epidemic, the poverty alleviation team in Taidong Village of the Torch Development Zone of Zhongshan City continued to work on the goal of achieving 100% poverty alleviation in Taidong Village, and strived to ensure that poor households achieve the "eight haves" (source of income, housing security, Have basic medical insurance, have compulsory education guarantee, have road access to villages, have drinking water, have electricity, and have TV watching).

      Later, Secretary Li introduced to us the work plan for this year: continue to integrate poverty alleviation work with party building work, and make school renovation and upgrading the top priority. For example: building a school basketball court, improving teacher offices, adding a library, multimedia equipment room, and meeting room.

      Then, attorney Zhao Jiming, secretary of the Party branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, said that "a century-old plan is based on education". Children are the hope of the country and society. In the future, the Party branch of Baoxin Law Firm will continue to do a good job in poverty alleviation and actively cooperate. The poverty alleviation work of relevant departments in the Torch Development Zone.

    After the symposium, the two sides held a card giving ceremony. Secretary Li Junwei, on behalf of the general party branch, village committee and Taidong Village Primary School of Taidong Village, Zhongzhou Town, Huaiji County, presented the plaque "Great Love without Borders and Warm Taidong" to our institute, and Zhao Jiming, secretary of the party branch of our institute, accepted the plaque. .


     In the future, the party branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm will continue to implement the work of scholarly poverty alleviation, help the poor, alleviate the real poor, and effectively arrange the poverty alleviation work and participating personnel, starting with paired education, law education, legal assistance, etc. . Starting from solving practical problems for the common people, we explored social resources in many ways, gathered a strong joint force for poverty alleviation, and contributed more power from the trust to the poverty alleviation and education activities.