Party building

The party branch of our institute held an online party meeting with the theme of "Anti-epidemic Pioneers"

Release time:2020-04-15

     In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus, we will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. At 11 o'clock in the morning on April 14, 2020, the Party Branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm held the second quarter party member meeting and the online theme meeting of "Anti-epidemic Pioneers". The meeting was coordinated by Zhao Jiming, the secretary of the party branch of our firm, and chaired by Wu Yujia, the deputy secretary of the party branch. 14 comrades, including lawyer Zhou Wei, member of the party branch for discipline inspection, lawyer Yue Zhanchuan, member of the propaganda committee, party member lawyers Peng Lei, Yang Zhiming, Wang Sheng, Chen Mian, and party members and activists of our party branch attended the meeting.

    This meeting mainly included three major contents: summarizing the "war epidemic" work carried out during the epidemic of the party branch, the 2020 work plan of the party branch, and introducing the party member development process.

     At the beginning of the meeting, lawyer Wu Yujia, deputy secretary of the party branch, summarized a series of "war epidemic" work carried out by the party branch during the epidemic, such as serving the resumption of work and production of Nanlang Guishang enterprises, Ban Fuyun lectures, and donating masks and stationery to Taidong Primary School Supplies etc. In addition, Lawyer Wu Yujia conveyed to all party members the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on epidemic prevention and control and the spirit of a series of important speeches. After the mobilization of all party members, they will study and write again through various methods such as learning to strengthen the country and WeChat. Experience or war epidemic diary.


     Subsequently, Lawyer Wu Yujia announced the 2020 work plan of the party branch, explained the party member development process for all party members, and introduced the existing party activists of the party branch, namely Chen Qingli, Ouyang Fen, Huang Huifen, and Lin Weixia.

      The "Pioneer of Anti-epidemic" theme party meeting is a vivid practice of not forgetting the original intention and keeping in mind the mission. As a party member lawyer, we always adhere to our mission and never forget our original aspirations. During the epidemic, we have the courage to compete and take the initiative to let the party flag fly high on the front line of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and jointly win this battle against the epidemic! In the future, our party branch will continue to actively play an exemplary role as a pioneer in party building, actively participate in the anti-epidemic work, and strive to be a pioneer in the fight against the epidemic.