Baoxin Style

The people's caring person · the people's good lawyer

Release time:2020-04-01

   On the afternoon of March 24, 2020, several parties from the Hubei epidemic area visited Wang Sheng, a party member lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, and handed to Wang a pennant with the words "A caring person for the people and a good lawyer for the people". Attorney Sheng, to express my sincere gratitude to Attorney Wang.

So what happened, let us describe one by one for everyone:

At the most severe moment of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, migrant workers from rural areas died in a temporary assistance point in a township in Zhongshan, and the family of the deceased asked a lawyer for help.

The eldest son of Mr. Chen died on February 18, 2020 at a temporary rescue point in a town in Zhongshan. After receiving a notice from the government of a town in Zhongshan, he completed the formalities for leaving Hubei during the epidemic with the cooperation of the two governments. Arrived in Zhongshan on 22nd to handle the aftermath.

During the observation period when he and his relatives stayed in the hotel where the epidemic was intensively observed, they contacted lawyer Wang Sheng from the same city who practiced in Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm through friends in their hometown to ask how to deal with the death.

Mr. Chen claimed on the phone that his son was always in good health and died at a government rescue point. The government must investigate the cause of the death and give him a statement that the government must be held accountable. He was very emotional.

Attorney Wang Sheng considered that there were sudden deaths of this kind during the epidemic, and the family members were overly emotional, but he had to wait for the government to investigate the cause of the death, comfort the family members, and immediately decided to provide them with free legal services.

After obtaining the consent of the family member Mr. Chen, the two difficult problems of safeguarding rights and maintaining stability were put before Lawyer Wang Sheng. Faced with such imminent emergencies, he could not tolerate too much thinking and rely on rich laws. Practical experience, after initial communication with all parties, Lawyer Wang immediately clarified the direction and focus of his work.

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February 24, 2020

Under the condition of self-protection, lawyer Wang Sheng accompanied his family member Mr. Chen and others to inspect the body with the assistance of the public security organ.

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February 26, 2020

In intensive observation of the hotel, the leaders of the town government organized public security organs, civil affairs, hospitals and other departments to restore the entire process of the deceased from arriving at the rescue point to the hospital and declaring death by broadcasting surveillance videos and picture displays. The public security organ made an investigation conclusion that ruled out homicide, and the hospital made a preliminary opinion on the cause of death due to sudden cardiac death.

Attorney Wang Sheng had a better understanding of the cause of death of the deceased and found that there was a big discrepancy with the client’s previous description, but the client insisted that it was a government cause that caused the death and asked the government to pay for an autopsy to find out the cause of death. After the incident, Lawyer Wang Sheng used the phone many times to analyze whether the government needs to bear responsibility, how much responsibility it should bear, and the necessity of anatomy.


March 6, 2020

The deputy mayor of the town government met with lawyer Wang Sheng urgently, saying that the family of the deceased had made an unreasonable compensation request. If they were not satisfied, they would organize relatives from his hometown to visit the government. Attorney Wang Sheng immediately contacted the family members to understand their demands and conveyed the government's advice on how to handle them properly, trying to calm the family's excessive emotions.


March 14, 2020

The director and deputy director of the town’s stability maintenance office approached lawyer Wang Sheng, hoping that the lawyer can play an active role in this incident and handle the incident as quickly as possible and safely. After further understanding, the family of the deceased objectively reported the incident to the city leaders through reporters from Zhongshan Daily, and the secretary of the Yang An team has asked the town government to properly handle it.

Attorney Wang Sheng used the form of face-to-face interviews and telephone communication with Mr. Chen and his family members at the observation point, and analyzed the possible responsibilities of relevant departments, litigation risks, litigation costs, and the amount of possible support in the end, focusing on the troublesome visits The cost and consequences were analyzed, and Mr. Chen and his family were trusted and learned about his true thoughts.


March 21, 2020

After many times of communication with the town’s stability maintenance office, with the care and support of the town’s leaders, family members are given certain assistance through the form of applying for economic assistance funds, and the family members have also made no claims for compensation, compensation and compensation in any form. Commitment to petition. Since then, a letter and visit incident involving the epidemic has been successfully resolved.

This heavy pennant is not only a bridge connecting party members and lawyers with the people, but also a manifestation of all trustworthy lawyers actively assuming social responsibility. In the future, the party branch of Baoxin Law Firm will always guide party member lawyers to play a pioneering and exemplary role, actively participate in public welfare activities and legal aid activities, and contribute more to maintaining the fairness and justice of the law and promoting the harmony and stability of the society.