Party building

In the fight against the epidemic, Baoxin lawyers started the "cloud model" of serving villages

Release time:2020-03-04

The epidemic prevention and control are in full swing. In order to popularize the public's understanding of the legal knowledge related to the new crown pneumonia and the common problems of resuming work and production under the epidemic situation, on the afternoon of February 28, 2020, our partners, lawyers Huang Jiazhuo and Wu Yujia, actively played their role as pioneers in party building to serve Banfu Town. The villagers held online lectures on the spread of the epidemic, letting the party flag fly high on the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

At the beginning of the lecture, Wu Yujia, a lawyer for party members, started with the categories of infectious diseases and explained the laws, regulations and policies related to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, government control measures, and labor benefits during the epidemic. In addition, lawyer Wu Yujia analyzed multiple cases of concealing infection facts, spreading false information about the epidemic, driving up prices for profiteering, and mask fraud to analyze common illegal behaviors and penalties during the epidemic.

Subsequently, lawyer Huang Jiazhuo gave a detailed explanation on the policy and the application of law for resumption of work and production. Based on various policy documents issued by the state during the epidemic and the actual situation in Zhongshan City, lawyer Huang Jiazhuo explained the state's preferential policies on taxation, social security, banking, rent reduction and exemption, and contract performance issues under the epidemic.


In addition, our lawyers compiled the "Guidelines on Policies and Legal Issues under the Epidemic" for the public to learn and reference. The online epidemic lecture actively cooperated with the epidemic prevention work and also popularized relevant laws for the villagers in Banfu Town. We firmly believe that winter is over and spring is on the way. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “As long as we strengthen our confidence, help each other in the same boat, scientifically prevent and control, and implement precise policies, we will definitely win the battle against the epidemic.” Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm We will continue to provide professional legal services for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and contribute to the smooth resumption of work and production. I believe that with the joint efforts of the party's leadership and everyone, we will surely win this battle against the epidemic!