Baoxin News

Baoxin News | End of 2018 Summary and New Year Gala Party Held Successfully

Release time:2019-01-30

On the evening of January 26, 2019, Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm held a year-end summary and New Year Gala in the Harbour City Hotel, Zhongshan City. The theme of the party was "2019, We are together". All the employees gathered together and spent a wonderful and unforgettable night of the annual meeting together.


Party sign in


Director's speech

At the beginning of the meeting, first of all, the director and partner lawyer Wang Jinfu made a speech: 2018 is the first year of the establishment of the management committee of the credit law firm. Looking back at the results achieved by the firm in 2018, at the partner meeting, management committee and all Our colleagues have made joint efforts, and our company has achieved excellent results in business income generation, party branch activities, brand operation promotion, and talent team training.

The following highlights are particularly prominent:

1. The income generated by the law firm has maintained a 20% year-on-year growth rate, and the average income generated by lawyers is 2.5 times that of Zhongshan lawyers.

2. In the 2018 evaluation of Zhongshan Lawyers Association, our firm won 13 awards.

3. The management committee was established. Under the leadership of the management committee, our firm further deepened the development of various professional departments and strengthened the unified administrative management of the law firm.

4. The effect of the introduction and going out is obvious. A large forum and many external trainings have been held. Lawyer Wang Qi, the director of the management committee of our firm, participated in the "Gui Ke Annual Meeting" at one of the highest levels of the China Lawyers Forum and published the theme. Speech.

After summarizing the achievements in 2018, Director Wang Jinfu also put forward the work plan and outlook for 2019. In the new year, partners, management committees and party branches will strengthen coordination and cooperation with all colleagues of the credit agency, further strengthen the construction of the law firm, implement standardized case handling, focus on improving the customer experience, and strive to achieve better results.



Newly introduced employees introduce themselves in 2018

In the past 2018, a total of 14 new colleagues joined our institute and injected fresh blood and vitality into our institute. I also wish you all great ambitions on the platform of Promise, flying higher and higher, and realizing your ideals and goals!



The excellence of a trustworthy law firm is inseparable from every excellent trustee. It is precisely because of the joint efforts of all the creditors that we will continue to create new and splendid credit offices today. Looking back on 2018, a group of outstanding trustees stood out. They either worked hard and dared to take the lead, or worked hard to break through themselves, or dedicated themselves. Therefore, the party specially awarded various honors to the outstanding work performers of the year.

"Excellent Lawyer of 2018"

Winners: Jiang Xiaochun, Zhou Wei, Wang Guangyang, Zheng Jianmo

"Credit Law Firm's 2018 Most Potential Newcomer Award"

Winners: Qiu Yaoting, Li Jiawei, Li Kunhao, Luo Haimei

"Excellent Employee of 2018"

Winners: He Meiluo, Yue Zhanchuan, He Yongyi, Huang Huiying, Liang Xiaoman


Birthday party ceremony

When the birthday stars walked to the front desk, everyone on the field sang birthday songs. In the sound of blessings, the birthday stars made wishes around the cake, and everyone couldn't help raising their mouths. New year, new start. Let us wish the birthday of the birthday stars a happy birthday and continue to show great ambitions in the new year!


Gala performance

In order to present a perfect New Year's party, the lawyers and administrative staff of the credit letter office have long been involved in the preparation of the program. The evening's upload of songs and dances also fully demonstrated the versatility of the credit keeper. Various forms of programs such as dance, talk shows, sketches, poem recitation, song singing, musical instrument performances, etc., even let all the presenters present linger.



In addition to the splendid evening show, of course, there is an exciting lottery. This year's prizes are very rich, including not only the cash prize of nearly 20,000 yuan, but also IPHONE HOMEPOD, LV wallet, Dunhill sign pen, Estee Lauder makeup set, bicycle, Guizhou Moutai and other prizes. Round after round of lottery draws, the atmosphere of the evening party is constantly pushed to a climax!

As the so-called productive force does everything, all things are intriguing. In 2019, all the employees of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm will stand at a new starting point and will continue to uphold the concept of "honouring and believing, the teacher of law", with professional literacy, full of enthusiasm and firm will to meet the challenges of the new year .

Here, all the employees of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm also wish our customers, friends and lawyers a happy family, good health and good luck in the Spring Festival!

Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm sincerely looks forward to your visit

Office phone: 0760-88302332

Office Address: 6th Floor, Block 1, Hongyu Building, No. 57 Zhongshan 4th Road
