Baoxin News

Baoxin News | "Leica Cup" promotion match

Release time:2019-04-15

At 8:30 in the morning on April 14, 2019, the preliminary competition of the "Law Cai Cup" Lawyer Debate Competition held by the Zhongshan Lawyers Association officially kicked off in the 501 conference room of the Judicial Bureau. Despite the poor weather on the day of the game, it still couldn't stop everyone's enthusiasm for watching the game. The whole venue was full. The spectators entered early to wait for the start of the game. A total of 16 teams participated in this competition. The CITIC Bank attached great importance to the Lawyers Cup Lawyer Debate Contest and formed a total of two teams to participate, namely the team of the Prix Star and the team of the Crypto Dream.

Lawyer Huang Yurong of our firm served as the chairman of some of the preliminary rounds

The game was in full swing. The debaters of each group had clear logic, quick thinking, and fierce battles. The battle situation was very fierce. It can be seen that everyone was prepared and the atmosphere on the scene was very tense. Everyone cheered for their teams. Applause continued.

The team of Promising Stars is led by our institute's Yue Zhanchuan internship lawyers, together with Xiong Yangming, Tu Yuwei, and Lai Huiting's assistants. In order to do well in pre-match training, the team members of the Star Team have been preparing for the battle after their work since they determined the topic. Although it was the first game of this competition, the players were inevitably nervous, but this did not affect the performance of both sides of the game, and presented a wonderful game for the judges and spectators present.

The team of trustworthy dreams is composed of our lawyer Xu Meigui as the team leader, together with lawyers Yang Zhiming, Qiu Yaoting and Chen Qingli. Although the selected debates left little room for the dream team, the team members discussed new ideas and revised the debate draft within the limited preparation time to make sufficient preparations for the game. As the final team in the preliminary round, the Prudential Dream Team successfully ended the competition with a victory and successfully advanced!

Full preparation allows the debaters to perform superbly during the game, and their wonderful performances have won the judges' recognition. In two games, our lawyer Yang Zhiming and Yue Zhanchuan's intern lawyer won the best debaters in this game.

Debate is the art of speculation and one of the basic skills of lawyers. The debate tests the comprehensive quality of the lawyer, not only the legal knowledge, but also whether the logic is strict, the language is beautiful, the thinking is agile, and the manner is elegant. Because of this, the debate can attract so many legal persons.

Our team sent two teams of young lawyers and trainee lawyers in this debate, and we also intend to forge our young lawyers to provide more opportunities and a broader stage for young people.

The preliminary round has ended. For our two participating teams, there are gains and regrets. However, regardless of winning or losing, the speculative glory shines on us and will continue to accompany us in the next match.

We will do our best in the next game! Looking forward to our performance, the stars and dreams of Baoxin, a group of tomorrow's stars running towards dreams!

Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm sincerely looks forward to your visit

Office phone: 0760-88302332

Office Address: 6th Floor, Block 1, Hongyu Building, No. 57 Zhongshan 4th Road
