Baoxin News

Baoxin News | What is the self-cultivation of good lawyers?

Release time:2019-05-21

At 19 o'clock on the evening of May 16, 2019, Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm held the fourth session of the 2019 Baoxin Lecture with the theme "Self-cultivation of a lawyer". The speaker is Mr. Yang Zhiming, and the meeting is chaired by Mr. Peng Lei. More than 40 lawyers and nearly 30 trainee lawyers, paralegals, and administrative assistants of our institute participated in the meeting.

Lawyers are professional groups engaged in legal work, and the professional nature of their work constitutes the most distinctive professional characteristics of lawyers. What is the self-cultivation of lawyers? The self-cultivation of lawyers generally means that lawyers must have good habits of continuous learning, independent thinking ability and accurate judgment ability, and must also have a spirit of critical suspicion and innovation. In this Baoxin lecture, lawyer Yang Zhiming combined with his own practice experience to explain to everyone what the lawyer's self-cultivation includes in his eyes.

A lawyer's self-cultivation

Lawyer Yang Zhiming first introduced today's sharing theme from the movie "Self-cultivation of Actors". Immediately afterwards, lawyer Yang went from “law is a belief”, “lawyer is an art”, “lawyer is a systematic project”, “lawyer is a business”, “how to be a junior lawyer”, etc. Five aspects, for everyone to explain all aspects of what is the self-cultivation of lawyers.

At the end of the sharing, Ms. Yang emphasized that if you want to be a lawyer, you must not only be down-to-earth and improve your self-cultivation. We must also study proactively, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, improve our professionalism, and be a confident, persevering and careful lawyer. Not only that, as a lawyer, we have to be warm and generous and proactive in work and life, and know how to share and be grateful, and face customers and friends with the most sincere attitude.

Discussion session

Attorney Yang's humorous and humorous style of lectures, as well as brilliant sharing, won enthusiastic applause from the participants. In the next free discussion session, everyone actively spoke and exchanged what they learned on their own practice. The lecture in this issue ended successfully in the applause of everyone.


The Baoxin Law Firm has always attached great importance to the growth of young lawyers. In this Baoxin lecture, Mr. Yang Zhiming unreservedly shared the valuable experience accumulated in his practice with the young lawyers present, aiming to help young lawyers better and better. Grow faster. In the future, Baoxin Law Firm will continue to strengthen the professionalization of young lawyers and provide more professional and efficient legal services to our customers!

Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm sincerely looks forward to your visit

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