Baoxin News

Baoxin News | Lectures on Consumer Law Popularization-Consumer Rights Protection Enters Campus

Release time:2019-05-23
1.On April 29, 2019, lawyer Zhou Wei of our firm was invited to participate in a seminar on consumer rights protection into the campus jointly organized by the Consumer Council of Zhongshan City, the Education and Sports Bureau of Zhongshan City and the Zhongshan City Committee of the Communist Youth League-Consumer Rights Protection and Integrity. Conducted lectures for Yuanfeng Primary School in Shiqi District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, to popularize legal knowledge about consumer rights protection and food safety for primary school students.

2.On May 21, 2019, our lawyer Zheng Jingxia was invited by the Shenwan Town Consumer Council and the Shenwan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to carry out a series of activities of "Integrity Trading-Consumer Rights Protection on Campus" at Shenwan Middle School.

Lawyer Zheng Jingxia used vivid, popular and easy-to-understand methods to interpret laws, regulations and rights protection cases to more than 100 teachers and students on the scene. The students concentrate on listening to the lectures and integrate into the strong atmosphere at the scene. Some students also actively consult with lawyers about consumption issues in daily life.

In order to promote the "Consumer Rights Protection Law" and related laws and regulations, and further guide the young people to establish a consumer belief of "civilized integrity, scientific reason, health and safety, environmental protection, and green quality", improve their self-protection awareness and ability, and create good Consumption environment,
Attorneys from the Credit Law Firm actively carry out the “Consumption Rights Protection into the Campus” general law lectures to teach students the professional legal knowledge of consumer rights protection and help them better protect their rights.

Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm sincerely looks forward to your visit
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Office Address: 6th Floor, Block 1, Hongyu Building, No. 57 Zhongshan 4th Road