Baoxin News

Baoxin News|Lawyer Huang Jiazhu of our firm was invited to serve as a member of the evaluation panel of the performance report of the first state organ of Banfu Town “Whoever enforces the law”

Release time:2019-12-24

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions to Guangdong, closely focus on the transformation and efficiency of the publicity and education of the rule of law, further strengthen the responsibilities of law popularization in all units and departments, and improve the work of "whoever enforces the law" In accordance with the mechanism, the office of Banfu Town Committee for the Rule of Law, the Town General Law Office and the Town Judicial Office organized and implemented the performance report review activity of the first state organ of Banfu Town “Whoever Enforces the Law”.

Liang Jincan, deputy secretary of the town party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Xia Yuanhui, director of the town's judicial office, presided over the meeting and announced the results of the review. A total of more than 40 people including members of the review team, the town's public security branch, comprehensive management and maintenance office, judicial office and housing construction bureau participated in the meeting. Meetings.

The review of the performance report of “Whoever enforces the law” was conducted by Chen Quanfeng, representative of the jury of the jury, Huang Jiazhuo, partner lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, Tang Tao, director of the party and government office, Chen Quanjiang, the representative of the village (community), and Feng Mei, the representative of the People’s Congress Review the law popularization work of the three departments of town market supervision branch, urban management law enforcement branch, and environmental protection branch.

The object of the review is the law popularization performance report (through PPT or live video display). The meeting reviews the situation of law popularization. The members of the review team from law popularization mechanism construction, system internal law learning, social law popularization, law popularization formal means, and law popularization effectiveness 5 Evaluate and score each aspect, and announce the assessment results on the spot.

Lawyer Huang Jiazhu, a partner of our firm, as a lawyer representative, while fully affirming the achievements of the assessed unit, targeted assessment units made suggestions and suggestions: Externally, the assessed unit needs to further implement the legal responsibility system to make the responsible subject adequate Recognize the connotation of the "whoever enforces the law" responsibility system; further use new media to innovate propaganda forms, increase the propaganda of law popularization, and improve the law popularization mechanism; internally, in the judicial practice of administrative agencies involved in lawsuits, most administrative agencies Relevant persons have sufficient physical basis for the relevant treatment, but they often do not strictly follow the procedures, resulting in many cases involving prosecution losing due to violation of due process. Administrative staff need to enhance the awareness of procedures, change the past concept of "emphasis on entities, less on procedures", strictly follow the "Administrative Licensing Law", "Administrative Punishment Law", "Administrative Compulsory Law" and other related laws, think about problems, make decisions, do Things must not violate the requirements of the procedure, undermine the justice of the procedure, and earnestly maintain the seriousness of the procedure.

The review of the performance report of the state organ "Whoever enforces the law" held by the government of Banfu Town is an innovation in the concept and mechanism of law popularization. Attorney Huang Jiazhu, a partner of our firm, made a positive contribution to the construction of the rule of law in Banfu Town and won the honor of the Banfu Town Law Office of Zhongshan City during the performance evaluation activity of “Whoever Enforces the Law” in Banfu Town certificate.

Writer: Wu Ruxin|Editor: Chen Qingli|Reviewer: Yue Zhanchuan

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