Baoxin Style

Baoxin News | Respect for the Constitution· Safeguarding the Constitution—Promote the Constitutional Preaching Mission in Action

Release time:2019-12-04

On November 1, 2014, the Eleventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress voted and decided to establish December 4 as the "National Constitution Day." National Constitution Day is a festival established on December 4 every year to enhance the constitutional awareness of the whole society, promote the spirit of the Constitution, strengthen the implementation of the Constitution, and comprehensively promote the rule of law. December 4, 2019 is China's sixth Constitution Day.

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, the general constitution for governing the country and the state, and the concentrated expression of the will of the party and the people. To win the Chinese dream of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, launching a new journey to build a socialist modernized country, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must pay more attention to the important role of the Constitution. We must uphold the leadership of the party, the people as the masters of the country, and the unification of governing the country according to law, strengthen the implementation and supervision of the Constitution, comprehensively integrate all national undertakings and tasks into the track of governing the country and governing the country according to the law, and raise the implementation of the constitution to a new level .

In order to promote the spirit of the Constitution, establish the authority of the Constitution, and promote the knowledge of the Constitution, Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, under the leadership of the Party Branch and the Management Committee, formed the "Baoxin Constitution Proclamation" with the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch and Partner Lawyer Wu Yujia as the head. Regiment" and determined the first week of December each year as the theme week for the constitutional propaganda of our Party branches and law firms. The Constitution Publicity Group assembled a team of practical and enthusiastic publicity lecturers, including party branch propaganda committee lawyers Yue Zhanchuan, Zheng Jianmo, Xiong Yangming, Li Jiawei, Li Pan, Qiu Yaoting, Chen Jinfeng, and Liang Zhongwen. Many lecturers. In the first week of December, lecturers entered the community and organs to carry out constitutional propaganda activities, so that the spirit of the constitution could come alive and go to the daily life of citizens.

On the afternoon of December 1, Wu Ruxin, an assistant attorney of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, preached the knowledge of the constitution to the community corrections personnel at Dongfeng Judicial Office. The lecture will be conducted from the basic knowledge of the constitution, the basic spirit and characteristics of the constitution, the key content of the constitution revision, and the constitution is on your side and so on. By means of case statement, communication, interaction and sharing, community correction personnel can actively participate in the lecture, so as to better understand the constitution and maintain the authority of the constitution.

On the morning of December 4, Wu Yujia, deputy secretary of the party branch and partner lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, as a member of the Nanlang Town Government legal advisory group, carried out a carnival of rule of law in Nanlang Market Square. The legal issues concerned concern patiently answering questions and doubts, so that the masses have an intuitive understanding and feelings of the Constitution, let the masses establish awareness of respecting the Constitution, safeguarding the Constitution, applying the Constitution in their activities, and learn to use the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

On the afternoon of December 4, Zheng Jingxia, a partner lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, as a consultant lawyer of Guangdong Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau, was invited to participate in the theme of "Respecting the Constitution, Maintaining the Constitution, Utilizing Law, Protecting Electric Power Facilities, and Building a Peaceful and Beautiful Home The law popularization activities spread legal knowledge to the people on site by accepting on-site consultations.

In the afternoon of December 4th, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents committee members and security personnel to learn the law and abide by the law, and guide the establishment of a constitutional awareness of the rule of law, lawyer Li Jiawei of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm carried out a constitutional publicity activity in Hengmen, Nanlang, focusing on the work of the residents committee. The issues concerning the vital interests of personnel and law and order personnel were preached. The personnel from the audience expressed their warmth and knowledge of the constitution. The organizer also fully affirmed the event.

On the afternoon of December 4, attorney Zheng Jianmo of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm was appointed by the Zhongshan City Legal Aid Center to go to the Zhongshan City Detention Center to preach the constitution of the detainees. Waiting for constitutional knowledge, and disseminating legal knowledge in the form of case interpretation law, so that detainees can truly approach the constitution and understand the constitution, so that the spirit of the constitution is rooted in the heart, and respect for the constitution is turned into consciousness of action.

The foundation of the constitution lies in the people's heartfelt support. By carrying out this constitution publicity campaign, the "12·4" National Constitution Day has become more popular. Next, the party branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm will continue to send the law to the communities of Dongsheng, Guzhen and Torch Development Zone on December 7th, integrate constitutional propaganda into daily propaganda work on the rule of law, and gather citizens’ The Constitutional Consensus truly imprinted the constitutional beliefs in the hearts of the people and contributed more due power to the construction of the rule of law and the safety of Zhongshan.


Photo source: Wu Ruxin, Li Yongyi | Review editor: Yue Zhanchuan
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