Baoxin News

Baoxin News | Xie Junjie, deputy director of the municipal government office, visited our institute for research and guidance

Release time:2019-10-29
On October 28, 2019, Xie Junjie, deputy director of the municipal government office, Wang Keqiang, chief of the comprehensive second section of the municipal government office, and Zhou Wanmin, secretary-general of the Zhongshan City Lawyers Association, visited Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, and said to our firm Carrying out investigation and inspection on the mission of keeping in mind the mission of the theme education. Attorney Zhao Jiming, Secretary of the Party Branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm, attorney Wang Jinfu, attorney Wang Qi, and attorney Huang Jiazhuo, etc. accompanied the visit, and reflected the situation of the investigation and made suggestions.

Director Xie and his party, led by the lawyer of the Party Branch of the Credit Guarantee Institute, Mr. Zhao Jiming, and the director, Mr. Wang Jinfu, successively visited our party’s party building activity room, party building culture wall, law firm honor wall, and party member lawyer office area, etc. .

At the survey meeting, Zhao Jiming, secretary of the Party branch of our institute, firstly made a brief report on the party building work of our institute from the aspects of "party building" promoting "group building" and "party building co-building", and highlighted the combination of party building and public welfare in our institute. The characteristics of the promotion of party building and regiment building.

Afterwards, the partner lawyer representatives of the credit firm provided opinions and suggestions from the perspectives of the difficulties in the party building of the law firm, the development of the regional law firm and the lawyer industry, the development of the lawyer business and the going out of the local law firm. The plight of the development of the lawyer industry in our city is mainly reflected in the difficulty of gathering talents, especially the recruitment of high-end legal talents; the formation of a local large-scale industry leader; the lack of policy support for local law firms to go out.

Deputy Director Xie Junjie pointed out in the investigation meeting that the law firm should effectively improve the political position, strictly implement the implementation plan of the municipal party committee and government, and said that it will discuss the introduction of legal talents, focusing on guiding and encouraging the legal affairs of local enterprises to give priority to local affairs and local laws. Cooperation. At the same time, we also encourage our firm to set mid- and long-term development goals, have ambitions, and the responsible person should go out more and form a strategic alliance with Dasuoqiang.

Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm will always adhere to the overall leadership of the party, closely integrate the theme education and the construction of law firms, pay attention to the normalization, institutionalization, and achievement of learning and education, further strengthen the awareness of party members and lawyers, and drive our firm with theoretical improvement All personnel are sublimated in ideology and improved in business. They insist on promoting party building and promoting the new development of law firm business, and contribute more to the economic and social development of Zhongshan.