Baoxin News

Baoxin News | Warm congratulations on the election of the supervisory unit of the Shancheng Urban Renewal Association

Release time:2019-10-16
On October 15, 2019, the first meeting of the first member meeting of Zhongshan City Renewal Association was grandly held. This meeting was hosted by the preparatory group of Zhongshan City Renewal Association. The first 101 member units participated in the meeting , Lin Nuojun, Director of Zhongshan City Renewal Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

At the conference, the representatives of the preparatory group of the association will first make the preparation report and explanation of the standard of membership fees. Subsequently, the General Assembly reviewed and voted on the "Zhongshan City Urban Renewal Association Charter", "Zhongshan City Urban Renewal Association Election Measures", etc., and publicly elected 29 members and supervisors of the first council of the Association by secret ballot1 name. Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm is honored to be elected as the first supervisory unit of Shanshi Urban Renewal Association!

After the election of the board unit and the supervisory unit, the association continued to hold the first meeting of the first board of directors. The board of directors reviewed and voted through a number of internal management systems, and voted by secret ballot to produce the chairman of the association and executive deputy. The list of the chairman, deputy chairman, deputy secretary general and the first batch of expert consultants of the Association's Legal and Policy Professional Committee. Attorney Wang Qi, a partner of our firm, the director of the management committee, and the head of the real estate and construction legal affairs department, was hired as the first group of expert members of the Law and Policy Professional Committee.

In the future, Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm will closely focus on the purpose of Zhongshan City Renewal Association, perform its duties, do its utmost, and perform its duties seriously. At the same time, our institute will gather all the strengths of the institute, carry out various work around urban renewal law and policy research, make suggestions for the association, and under the leadership of the Urban Renewal Bureau, together with all members, will fully promote the urban renewal of our city ("Three "Old" transformation) to a new level.

Photo source: Yue Zhanchuan | Editor in charge: Yue Zhanchuan

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