Baoxin News

Baoxin News | "Poverty alleviation and education, walking with love" activity came to Taidong Village, Zhaoqing City

Release time:2019-09-23

In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping pointed out that we must resolutely win the fight against poverty, mobilize the whole party and the whole society, adhere to the combination of targeted poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation, and focus on the combination of poverty alleviation with poverty alleviation and wisdom. In order to respond to the call for poverty alleviation and fulfill the social responsibility of lawyers, on September 21, 2019, under the leadership of party branches and partners, nearly 40 lawyers from our firm went to Taidong Village, Zhaoqing City to carry out poverty alleviation and student assistance activities.


Taidong Village, Zhongzhou Town, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City is one of the poorest villages in Guangdong Province. As of July 31, 2019, the poverty-stricken population of Taidong Village was 52 households with 167 people. In order to improve the income and well-being of poor households, solve their children's nutrition and education expenses, and increase their confidence in getting rich, I plan to carry out "one-to-one, or many-to-one" pairing with some poor households in Taidong Village, especially those with poor children's education Assistance, fixed monthly donations and material donations, and enhanced exchanges through family visits to implement poverty alleviation and education.

Our party branch secretary Zhao Jiming and director Wang Jinfu, as representatives of 11 households with multiple children in Taidong Village, have signed a "pairing and assistance agreement", and all 11 households signed this time exist. There is a risk of returning to poverty due to school after becoming poor due to school, having difficulty getting out of poverty, or temporarily getting out of poverty. After the signing of the contract, "one-to-one" or "many-to-one" assistance will be provided to poor families, and each family will directly receive a "student family" education subsidy of not less than 600 yuan in the future, which will be effective Solve the difficulty of reading expenses for a group of children from poor families in Taidong Village. Our lawyers expect to invest about 100,000 yuan each year for pairing and assistance. At the signing ceremony, Kong Dongmin, a member of the Zhongzhou Town Party Committee, expressed his gratitude on behalf of Taidong villagers.



After the signing of the contract, the representatives of our institute visited the families of poor households to gain a deeper understanding of the family situation and specific needs, publicize the national poverty alleviation policies and support measures to them, and inspire the confidence of the poor households to get rid of poverty and become rich.


In addition to helping poor families in pairs, our institute also visited the only local primary school, Taidong Primary School. We brought books and basketball, badminton, table tennis, skipping rope, stationery and other cultural and sports supplies for the children of Taidong Primary School, and the children gave us their red scarves as gifts. In addition to the donated books and stationery, we also brought a special gift—a constitution booklet for every child in Taidong Elementary School, hoping that the children would think from a small tree. Under the clear blue sky, the red constitution booklet and the children's sincere smile face each other.


Huaiji TV interviewed the signing agreement and donation ceremony. Lawyer Zhao Jiming, secretary of the party branch of our institute, said in an interview that ten years of trees, one hundred years of trees, and children are the hope and future of the country. Poverty should not be a barrier to hope. We hope to achieve direct and long-term poverty alleviation through paired assistance. At the same time, paired assistance is an interactive education, communication and communication, the spread of book fragrance, and the spread of love.


The party branch of our firm also carried out the party activity of the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission" in Taidong Village. Everyone said that through party building work and public welfare activities, not only the cohesion of the law firm but also the lawyer’s sense of social responsibility were strengthened. And professional pride. We will never forget our original intentions, patrioticly serve the country, be responsible legal persons, and spread the temperature of the law.


Lawyers in the new era should not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, keep in mind their mission and be brave while advancing their business. Next, our firm will continue to adhere to the development concept of promoting party building, and strive to build Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm into a national excellent law firm that deeply cultivates the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, striving to promote the great process of governing the country according to law for the Chinese lawyer industry To make more contributions.