Baoxin News

Heavy | Zhongshan City Renewal Association Member Recruitment Announcement

Release time:2019-09-11

Since 2010, Zhongshan City has continuously promoted the work of urban renewal ("Three Olds" transformation), focusing on the core work of improving the benefits of saving and intensive land use and promoting high-quality economic development. Promote industrial transformation, improve urban functions, improve the living environment, and actively integrate into the important grasp of the construction of world-class urban agglomerations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


In September 2019, under the guidance and supervision of the Zhongshan City Renewal Bureau and the Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau, the name of the "Zhongshan City Renewal Association" was approved, and the member units were openly recruited from now on, welcoming the city renewal ("Three Olds" transformation) Relevant units in the field of real estate development, law, policy, planning, design, finance, taxation, investment, finance, engineering construction, asset evaluation, etc. actively joined!


Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau agreed to the approval of the name pre-approval

Association Purpose


The association consists of Zhongshan Planning and Design Institute, Zhongshan Agile Yongjingyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Jiashi Real Estate Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Shicheng Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Baoli Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Herui Planning and Design Management Co., Ltd., Guangdong Eleven units including Baoxin Law Offices, Guangdong Zhongshan Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Huatai Renewal Property Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huayuan Land Engineering Co., Ltd., and Zhongshan Surveying and Mapping Engineering Co., Ltd. took the lead together. Establish an exchange and interaction platform for policies, academics, experiences, and professionals among all sectors of society, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, promote mutual assistance and cooperation within the industry, and promote industry self-discipline. At the same time, give full play to professional advantages, provide intellectual support for improving policies and scientific decision-making, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the urban renewal cause in Zhongshan.


Association Services

The Association will actively perform basic functions such as urban renewal ("Three Olds" transformation) policy research and consultation, provide professional services, reflect members' demands, and regulate business practices. It will carry out in-depth research and argumentation on the policies proposed by the government, and undertake relevant subject research. The government issued policy suggestions and suggestions for urban renewal ("Three Olds" transformation); regularly held special lectures, trainings and forums related to urban renewal ("Three Olds" transformation), and conducted in-depth research and experience on hot, important and difficult issues in the industry communicate with. The association plans to set up a number of professional committees, and extensively invite the city’s experts and scholars in the urban renewal (“three old” transformation) laws and policies, planning and design, investment and taxation, historical and cultural protection, and experts to participate and gather all Social wisdom and power.


Zhongshan City Renewal Association is committed to promoting the win-win cooperation of member units and expanding the city renewal business. It is committed to creating a platform for urban renewal industry exchange learning and self-discipline management, smooth communication channels between government and enterprises, providing multiple membership services, and promoting Zhongshan City. The work of renewal ("Three Olds" transformation) is healthy and sustainable.


The Association sincerely welcomes the relevant units in real estate development, law, policy, planning, design, finance, taxation, investment, finance, engineering construction, asset evaluation, etc. to join actively!


Membership method and form download

Please fill in the membership application form and send the relevant materials to the designated mailbox before 5 pm on September 18th.


Address: 9th Floor, No. 1, Xingzhong Road, Zhongshan City

Inquiries: 13928131268 (Miss Ouyang)