Baoxin News

Baoxin Party building | Our Institute Launches the Party Day Activity of "Learning Heroes to See Action"

Release time:2019-08-27
On August 21, 2019, the party branch of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm held a party day event on the theme of "Learning Heroes to See Actions" in the party member activity room. Our party branch secretary Zhao Jiming, deputy party branch secretary Wu Yujia, organizational committee member Huang Huiying, disciplinary inspection committee member Zhou Wei, propaganda member Yue Zhanchuan and branch party comrades participated in this event. This event was hosted by Wu Yujia, deputy secretary of the party branch.

Deputy Secretary Wu Yujia first introduced the basic situation of Comrade Zhang Fuqing. Later, the comrades of the party collectively watched the heroic deeds of Zhang Fuqing, an excellent party member of the long documentary documentary, and systematically studied the series of reports on Comrade Zhang Fuqing by the media.

Through this themed party day event, all party members of the branch were moved by the story of Comrade Zhang Fuqing's insistence on his original intention and his true nature. Party members have expressed that they should learn from Comrade Zhang Fuqing's life not to be fame and gain, regardless of personal gains and losses, no matter what position, always keep in mind the historical mission of a Communist, serve the people wholeheartedly, no matter how difficult the conditions, never give up, will be limited Of his life is devoted to serving the people infinitely.

After systematic study, some party members and comrades gave their study speeches:

In her speech, Comrade Huang Yurong said: Just like the name of Comrade Zhang Fuqing, Comrade Zhang Fuqing's life left a huge spiritual wealth for the vast number of party members. Comrade Zhang Fuqing's spiritual wealth is the enthusiasm that motivates each party member to serve the people; Comrade Zhang Fuqing All of our party members should use Comrade Zhang Fuqing as an example to find gaps in work and make up for deficiencies.

Comrade Yang Zhiming said in his speech: Every era has its own hero, there is Zhang Side in the history of our party, Zhang Haidi in the new era, Comrade Zhang Fuqing is a hero, his heroic spirit is worthy of our study, we must learn Inherit, carry forward in the inheritance, let the hero's spirit stay young forever.

Comrade Yue Zhanchuan said in his speech: Comrade Zhang Fuqing used his life to interpret what "action is better than words", and used his own actions to tell us the Communists’ belief in upholding the people. As a party member lawyer in the new era, we must do the following well: strengthen consciousness in politics, support self-examination in thought, and exercise self-discipline in work. Finally, quoting Mr. Lu Xun's words as a concluding remark: everything should be based on ideals and results. I hope that all party members and comrades will not forget their original intentions, bear in mind their mission, and make more contributions to the cause of the rule of law!

This theme Party Day event is an important part of the continuous study and discussion of the party branch of the Credit Guarantee Law Institute to continue to promote the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission". The purpose is to inspire the comrades of the party branch of the credit law firm to take this activity as an opportunity to keep in mind the party’s teaching and hard work, to maintain the advanced nature of the Communist Party members, and to effectively transform the theme education into the strong promotion of the quality of the party branch of the credit law firm. power.

Text source: Zhao Jiming Yue Zhanchuan | Editor in charge: Yue Zhanchuan

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