Baoxin Lawyer

Lawyer Yurong Huang

Release time:2020-07-10
Professional field
Corporate Legal Affairs, Civil and Commercial Law, Dispute Resolution, Legal Advisors for State-owned and Private Enterprises, Legal Services for Villages, and Legal Risk Assessment in the Post-investment of Special Financial Funds
Social duties
Deputy Director of Publicity and Liaison Committee of Zhongshan Lawyers Association, Member of Real Estate and Construction Engineering Law Professional Committee of Zhongshan Lawyers Association.
Practicing qualifications/experience
Engaged in the legal service industry for nearly ten years, and actively participated in various public welfare publicity activities of provinces and cities. He has carried out nearly 100 public welfare law lectures for communities, schools, enterprises, business associations, and business associations. He has also served as the main lecturer of the "Constitution Education Classroom" in Guangdong Province and the "Constitution in My Heart" in Zhongshan City.
Guest Attorney of "The Lawyer Says" of Guangdong TV
Guest Attorney, "What a lawyer thinks" of Tencent
Guest Lawyer of "Zero Distance" in Zhongshan TV Station
Guest Lawyer of Zhongshan Radio FM96.7 "Life and Law"
Lawyer Honor
From 2017 to 2019, won the "Excellent Young Lawyer", "Excellent Commissioner" and "Enthusiastic Industry Affairs Award" issued by the Zhongshan Law Association
As a lawyer representative of Zhongshan, he went to Hong Kong to participate in the "Cross-strait Youth Lawyers Forum"
Appointed as a guest of "Tencent·" Legal Program