
Lawyer Kunyi YinPartner attorney of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm

Professional field
Contract law, tort law, company law
Social duties
Secretary General of the Regulations and Work Committee of the Guangdong Lawyers Association, member of the Legal Advisory Committee of the Zhongshan Lawyers Association, member of the Foreign Law Professional Committee of the Zhongshan Lawyers Association
Practicing qualifications/experience
Level 8 qualification for English majors. He has rich experience in public legal services and outstanding scientific research achievements. Hosted or participated in the research and development of public legal services programs have been selected by the Zhongshan Lawyers Association compiled public legal service product catalog database.
Lawyer Honor
2019 Excellent Lawyer Award
2017 Outstanding Member of Guangdong Provincial Lawyers Association Committee
2017 Excellent Lawyer Award
2016 Excellent Lawyer Award
2015 Excellent Committee
2014 Excellent Young Lawyer