Degree:Master of Law

Lawyer Junkai YangFull-time lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm

Professional field
Provide foreign-related legal services for foreigners and many foreign-funded enterprises (including US-funded, French-funded, British-funded, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-based enterprises), including foreign-related civil legal services, company registration formalities services, foreign-related commercial contract review and negotiation services, and foreign-related commercial disputes Processing, etc.;
Acted as a perennial consultant for multiple government departments, large state-owned institutions, and administrative institutions;
Acted as the special legal consultant for major infrastructure construction projects (BOT projects, PPP projects) and major asset restructuring projects of the government and state-owned enterprises;
Acted as a perennial legal counsel for listed companies and large private companies.
Social duties
Member of the Guangdong Foreign Lawyers Reserve Talent Pool, member of the 8th Zhongshan Lawyers Association Rules and Regulations Committee, 9th Zhongshan Lawyers Association Foreign Law Professional Committee
Practicing qualifications/experience
1. Some perennial legal advisory units
(1). Development and Reform Bureau of Shiqi District, Zhongshan City;
(2). Public Asset Management Center of Shiqi District, Zhongshan City;
(3).Zhongshan Public Utilities Group Co., Ltd.;
(4).Zhongshan Transportation Development Group Co., Ltd.
(5). Zhongshan Mindong Organic Waste Treatment Co., Ltd.;
(6). Zhongshan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Guidance Fund Co., Ltd.;
(7). Shiqi District Public Asset Investment Co., Ltd.
(8). Mulinsen Co., Ltd.;
(9). Zhongshan Ouke Electronics Co., Ltd.;
(10). Jialing Switch Manufacturing (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.;
(11). Zhongshan French Product Industry Co., Ltd.
2. Nearly three years of experience in major special legal services
① Engineering construction (large-scale infrastructure projects)
(1).Legal adviser to the PPP project of comprehensive development and operation of the city of Zhongshan (Shiqi) headquarters economic zone
(2). Zhongshan High-speed Contract Negotiation Service hired by Zhongshan Municipal Transportation Bureau (PPP+BOT legal service project);
(3).Zhongshan City Transportation Bureau, Zhongshan City Outer Ring Expressway Project Legal Advisory Service Project (PPP+BOT Legal Service Project);
(4).Zhongshan City Transportation Bureau Zhongshan Xihuan Expressway Project Legal Advisory Service Project (PPP+BOT Legal Service Project);
(5). Zhongshan City Transportation Bureau Tanzhou Express Line (Phase I) project legal advisory service project (PPP+EPC legal service project);
(6).Legal advisory service project of Zhongyong Dayong Express Line Project (PPP+EPC legal service project);
(7). A state-owned enterprise's land asset file consulting legal service project (to assist in combing dozens of reserve land contract materials, analyze the legal risks and issue feasible legal opinions, and at the same time design a fund return plan for the land transfer proceeds for customers)
②  Finance and equity investment
(1). A procurement project for law firm services required by a state-owned enterprise (involving various asset restructuring services such as equity divestiture, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and corporate capital increase).
(2).To accept the entrustment of relevant government departments and issue legal opinions on the issuance of special government bonds for various infrastructure construction projects in Zhongshan City.
Education/Work Experience
September 2012 to June 2015 Master of International Law, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
July 2015 to June 2017 Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm Intern Lawyer
From July 2017 to present, practicing lawyer of Guangdong Baoxin Law Firm