
Lawyer Jiawei LiGuangdong Baoxin Law Firm Full-time practicing lawyer

Professional field
During his career, he handled more than 100 cases of various types, and was good at handling civil and commercial cases, serving as legal counsel for enterprises and institutions, and fiscal and tax planning.
He has served as a legal advisor to many companies, banks, microfinance companies, pawn shops, and asset management companies, and has extensive experience in financial and non-performing asset disposal, and legal advisory services for enterprises and institutions.
Social duties
Member of the Publicity and Liaison Working Committee of the Zhongshan Lawyers Association; guest of the weekly legal tips and legal micro-classes of the Nanlang Town Women’s Federation of Zhongshan; guest of the “Zero Distance” program of the Zhongshan Public Channel.
Practicing qualifications/experience
Provided legal services to Banfu Town and Nanlang Town to enter the village, and provided legal consultation and on-site duty services for the village (community) masses, and handled multiple administrative and non-litigious administrative cases on behalf of the government, assisting the judicial administration of the town The Institute handles disputes over the distribution of out-of-wed female equity through a three-step process of "administrative processing-administrative reconsideration-administrative litigation"
Post-investment management and other related supporting work for financial support industry development special fund projects, through telephone, email, on-site interviews and surveys with target companies, etc., fully target many target companies in the use of special financial funds, business operations, The repurchase party's repurchase capacity and other aspects of the existing or potential legal risk are evaluated, revealed and rated, and a legal risk assessment report is issued and legal advice on legal risk assessment is answered.
Lawyer Honor
Charity Lawyer of Nanlang Town Women's Federation
2018 No. 1 Application for the "Outstanding Student" Training Course for Lawyer Practitioners
The third prize of the Zhongshan lawyer professional ethics and practice discipline knowledge competition in 2019